MESEC Residency 2024
Open to applications
Happening soon!
  • Campomoro, Corsica

  • Any period of time between October 20th to November 2nd 2024

  • A limited amount of bursaries was available to participants who wouldn't be able to attend otherwise, covering part or all of the fees

  • max 20 participants at a time

  • Application deadline : August 15th 2024

Residency is an event that brings together MESEC alums to work together and enjoy the lovely scenery of Corsica. We invite the members of the MESEC community to use the time and space at the Residency to work on collaborative projects, discuss, develop ideas, write, ponder, and create together. The Residency is also the time to rekindle the connections from past MESEC events, meet other MESEC alums, form new collaborations, and stay in touch with the wider MESEC community.

Unlike other events, there are only a few scheduled activities during the Residency. We cook together in teams and share meals together. Each day in the late afternoon we host MESEC Lab meetings, where participants can give short presentations of their projects or lead short-format discussions. We organize elective tutorials, one-on-one sessions, career sessions and other activities for those who find it relevant. Apart from that, the Residency offers its participants the time and space needed for the development of projects, focus, and exchange.

The Residency is open to anyone who has previously attended a MESEC event. In addition, the applications are extended to a limited number of external participants. Anyone who is interested in MESEC and would benefit from the Residency but has not been part of a MESEC event before can apply for the Residency through a separate application form for external applicants. If you would like to apply as an external applicant, or you are a MESEC member and would like to recommend an external applicant, please email us at for more details.

Get the application form for MESEC Residency 2024


Ulysse Klatzmann

Université Paris Cité/ University of Oxford

Karla Matić

Max Planck School of Cognition / Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Rony Hirschhorn

Tel-Aviv University

Camilo Miguel Signorelli

University of Oxford

Hadrien Titeux

École Normale Supérieure

Sebastian Dohnány

University of Oxford

Inès Ben Haj Kacem

École Normale Supérieure d'Ulm

Javier Hidalgo Jiménez

ICEERS Foundation

Participants - WinterSchool 2023 Alumni

Julia Papiernik

Jagiellonian University

Hanna Tolle

Imperial College London

Nicolas Loerbroks

Chenxiao Ma

Participants - WinterSchool 2024 Alumni

Moritz Kriegleder

Participants - Workshop 2022 Alumni

Christoffer Lundbak Olesen

Aarhus University

Peter Thestrup Waade

Aarhus University

Participants - Workshop 2023 Alumni

Justyna Hobot

Jagiellonian University / Aarhus University

François Sockart

Laboratoire de Psychologie et NeuroCognition

With the support of

Templeton World Charity Foundation